Paul Russell
2004-02-24 00:41:53 UTC
Hi all,
I was pondering trying to start up an open source project (probably
apache licensed) to build an open source implementation of a BPEL
engine, and tools. A friend of mine kindly pointed me towards Werkflow
as something playing in this space. I have to say, it takes an approach
I've not seen before, which is refreshing: I come from a websphere
process choreographer background, which works using database-based
persistence to store state, and JMS + Message Driven Beans to provide
activity scheduling and dispatch - I was kind of /assuming/ a similar
architecture for implementing BPEL.
I'm currently trying to understand the Werkflow architecture in this
context. Process Choreographer implicitly supports clustering, for
example, because of its use of messaging to dispatch activities. I'm
trying to get to the bottom of how Werkflow might achieve the same
I guess what I'm trying to assess is how far off being production ready
for werkflow is, both in a generic sense and in a BPEL sense. So for
example, for me to consider this production ready, I'd expect it to:
* Support running in a multi-node environment
* At least with High Availability.
* Preferably with load balancing and high availability.
* Support Compensation (although I /think/ this could be achieved by
including it in the appropriate personality.
* Support graphical debugging through development tooling.
* Support development tooling ;)
Do you guys have any thoughts as to whether these are things you were
expecting to support as part of werkflow? If so, do you have a road map
to get there? I'm quite willing to help if you can point me in the
right direction!
Thanks in advance,
I was pondering trying to start up an open source project (probably
apache licensed) to build an open source implementation of a BPEL
engine, and tools. A friend of mine kindly pointed me towards Werkflow
as something playing in this space. I have to say, it takes an approach
I've not seen before, which is refreshing: I come from a websphere
process choreographer background, which works using database-based
persistence to store state, and JMS + Message Driven Beans to provide
activity scheduling and dispatch - I was kind of /assuming/ a similar
architecture for implementing BPEL.
I'm currently trying to understand the Werkflow architecture in this
context. Process Choreographer implicitly supports clustering, for
example, because of its use of messaging to dispatch activities. I'm
trying to get to the bottom of how Werkflow might achieve the same
I guess what I'm trying to assess is how far off being production ready
for werkflow is, both in a generic sense and in a BPEL sense. So for
example, for me to consider this production ready, I'd expect it to:
* Support running in a multi-node environment
* At least with High Availability.
* Preferably with load balancing and high availability.
* Support Compensation (although I /think/ this could be achieved by
including it in the appropriate personality.
* Support graphical debugging through development tooling.
* Support development tooling ;)
Do you guys have any thoughts as to whether these are things you were
expecting to support as part of werkflow? If so, do you have a road map
to get there? I'm quite willing to help if you can point me in the
right direction!
Thanks in advance,
Paul Russell
Paul Russell