Kevin O'Neill
2003-03-16 08:47:53 UTC
Looks like I've been a bad boy with the coding conventions :(. This
stuff borders on religious arguments so I'm happy to go with the flow.

The _ before a field is a very old habit that has saved my ass many
times and makes seeing the context of the variables (for me) easier. I
also expect that you guys don't use tabs right (yeah looks like 4



PS: are the coding conventions written anywhere :(
If you don't test then your code is only a collection of bugs which
apparently behave like a working program.

Website: http://www.rocketred.com.au/blogs/kevin/
bob mcwhirter
2003-03-16 08:51:41 UTC
Post by Kevin O'Neill
Looks like I've been a bad boy with the coding conventions :(. This
stuff borders on religious arguments so I'm happy to go with the flow.
Heh. No comment. :)
Post by Kevin O'Neill
The _ before a field is a very old habit that has saved my ass many
times and makes seeing the context of the variables (for me) easier. I
also expect that you guys don't use tabs right (yeah looks like 4
Yah, I did that for a while after migrating from after_ in C++.

Now, I prefer to do this.field, and typically only once within
an accessor that is used everywhere else.

Spaces, yah, 4. Curlies on newlines. Spaces around call params,
break param lists across lines, etc.
Post by Kevin O'Neill
PS: are the coding conventions written anywhere :(
Only by example and as enforced by checkstyle.

'maven site' will produce a checkstyle report.

Also, you might want to turn off those auto-gen'd javadocs
that provide no information. If you leave'em blank, checkstyle
will catch it. If you have default "fill in details here"
javadocs, then checkstyle doesn't know it's bogus.

