[werkflow-user] Decomposing the source
Jason van Zyl
2003-09-25 15:39:09 UTC

I am going to start decomposing the source into separate packages so I
can get a better grip on the lay of the land.

I think definitely the semantic packages are prime candidates for

The other question I had was werkflow's relation to petridish? I believe
at this point it is entirely separate but is there any sort of merger
possible here or can the petrinet portions of werkflow be separated at
all be made generally usable?

If there are any other possibilities for separation let me know as this
will be the first phase of cleanup for me and then the conversion over
to plexus components will begin for better modularity.

Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.

-- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society